K-Bay very kindly hooked me up with Seasprite sports recently to ride the RRD boards! Hooking up with RRD is great, as they have a very passionate team of guys who are really focused on trying to develop windsurfing in the UK. In particular Adam Sims is super keen to push freestyle as a discipline as, like me he sees how it is really good for our sport. Already, being linked with Seasprite has allowed me to discuss things loads more with Adam on how we can continue to build momentum for the UKWA freestyle tour and the Xpression on forecast series. Freestyle is a great way discipline as its soooo accessible and means our sport can be pushed to a high level, without the need for super good waves, that we get so rarely in the UK. Young kids see freestyle as cool, and THEY are the future of the sport.

At the moment, i’m sailing the RRD twintip twinzer 88 for freestyle, when I saw this board released I really wanted one, mainly because I think multifin freestyle boards make a lot of sense (particularly at for the moves i’m learning..). The board comes with two tiny 14cm narrow cord freestyle fins and on the water it is still super fast, alive and makes landing moves so easy -its a CHEAT STICK! I have been out on it loads already and landed my first UK switch Kono on it at Bigbury and getting some proper fully sliding double flakas. I’m trying hard to learn some more power moves as well, and the boards stability from the 2 fins is really helping. Even tho its 88 litres, it still super quick to plane, yet small enough for me to feel like i’m not going to break my ankles going for the power moves! Since I work full time, I have to be sure my kit will allow me to get the most out of my sessions, along with the Chinook and YES components from K-Bay, i’m really happy with my current set up.

RRD are also rumored to be releasing some NEW performance SUP boards, i’m really looking forward to that as i’m super keen on SUP at the moment (check out the last posts video!)

We had a sweet day at Gwithian on Friday ( plenty of photos and video kicking about already) I took half a day of leave to get to the beach for lunch time. Cracking few hours but a bit busy. When the tide got too high I nailed some pasta and waited around with Mike Archer for the tide to drop. We scored a brilliant 2 hours before dark at the lifeguard hut….I’m getting hooked on waves, watching Andy and Steve King is great, so i’m super motivated to work on the big freestyle power moves at the same time to integrate them into the waves! Next step…Ponch on the way out, Steve King Style!!! After the session I was so tired I missed the Wedding I was meant to go to that night :S ooooops.

Oh, don’t forget to pick up the latest copy of Boards, its got loads of great stuff in it, plus the full write up, inc. pictures of The Essex Xpression. Rock on!

Looks like a quiet week now on the surf and wind front, so i’m going to prepare for Dahab, edit some video and mow the lawn.

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